想問問親愛的盆友們 有沒人了解這兩個學校的會計研究生 哪個比較好 就業前景什麼的 我本科是會計IT專業 有點想往IT Audit那個方面走 或者直接就是Audit也行 感覺比較適合我 歡迎大家踴躍發言 謝謝啦
bias warning ~~ 本人USC會計本科畢業~ 很多朋友繼續讀USC研究生.
USC會計專業真的很好,professors幾乎都是四大背景,每年學校找Big 4, mid-tier firms來學校recruiting的events多到煩,學校社團也有好多機會networking。大家都說會計好就業,現在也滿competitive,第一份工作校投是比較好找,再加上你去recruiting 看到自己校友比較好說話,USC Trojan family的校友情分會讓自己不敢相信,interview/internship/employment機會當然也會提高。
USC會計研究生如果你是IT Audit的話,應是讀MAcc (USC有MAcc & MBT programs),細分出來的是:
Master of Accounting, Emphasis on Data and Analytics (MAcc D+A)
The MAcc D+A program helps develop expertise in accounting, auditing and business with a data and analytics focus. Coursework includes accounting research and application, audit and IT applications, financial statement and fraud analytics, data visualization and data mining and business applications. The program is heavily experiential with internship study, innovation lab and offsite cases and mentorship.